
Bimonthly internal assessment for the month of January

"This is my submission for the Bimonthly internal assessment for the month of January." Most of the information here have been collected from different reference sites, links to which have been mentioned.The points copy pasted have been put in quotes. The questions to the cases being discussed are from the link below: 26 year old woman with complaints of altered sensorium somce 1 day,headache since 8 days,fever and vomitings since 4 days Blog: a) what is the problem representation of this patient and what is the anatomical localisation for her current problem based on her clinical findings . Answer) This is a case of 26 year female who had history of headaches since 1 month which was relieved on taking medication  Since the last 8 days she has bitemporal vertex headache since 8 days after she stopped u...